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What is a good beginner's online resource for ASP.NET MVC? [closed]

I have 3 days to learn the basics of ASP.NET MVC and create a very small PoC web application with it.

What are currently the best online resources for:

  1. Learning the basics in a tutorial-like way
  2. Reference material regarding ASP.NET MVC
  3. Best practices regarding the use of ASP.NET MVC

I am not looking for general info about the MVC pattern since I have been using it in past (desktop) applications.

Please note:

This question has been asked before on SO, but the big threads I have seen are about half a year old already and seeing the pace at which ASP.NET evolves I am not sure if those are still up to date and if there aren't better choices by now.

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Adrian Grigore Avatar asked Mar 13 '09 11:03

Adrian Grigore

People also ask

What should I learn before ASP.NET MVC?

You should start with . net Framework, then C#. Using C# you should be able to design Console & Desktop Apps. For Web apps then you should proceed to ASP.net & then you can move on to MVC Framework to design Web Apps.

How long does it take to learn ASP.NET MVC?

If you just want to do some editing, less than 24 hours would be enough. If you want to develop new things that'd go into production, my recommendation is 1-3 months of copying old codes. (Not "copy and paste", but doing line-by-line copy of a functioning project. And don't absent-mindedly copy the code.

Is ASP.NET MVC easy to learn?

It's really difficult to try and learn an entirely new language/framework under pressure. If you're required to deliver working software for your day job, trying to learn ASP.NET Core at the same time might be heaping too much pressure on yourself.

2 Answers

For ASP.net MVC 4, Microsoft has released a getting started guide:


For ASP.net MVC 1, There is also a free eBook released by Scott Hanselman, Phil Haack, Scott Guthrie and Rob Conery. This is rather outdated by now, but may still be of interest to some:


That's more of a concrete project walkthrough rather than a standard tutorial though.

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Michael Stum Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Michael Stum

The best source for almost all of you ASP.NET MVC framework questions (including tutorials in text and video format) is going to come from the official source as http://www.asp.net/mvc

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TheTXI Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09