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What is a cache hit and a cache miss? Why would context-switching cause cache miss?

From the 11th Chapter(Performance and Scalability) and the section named Context Switching of the JCIP book:

When a new thread is switched in, the data it needs is unlikely to be in the local processor cache, so a context-switch causes a flurry of cache misses, and thus threads run a little more slowly when they are first scheduled.

  1. Can someone explain in an easy to understand way the concept of cache miss and its probable opposite (cache hit)?
  2. Why context-switching would cause a lot of cache miss?
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Geek Avatar asked Sep 01 '13 14:09


People also ask

What is a cache miss and a cache hit?

A cache miss is an event in which a system or application makes a request to retrieve data from a cache, but that specific data is not currently in cache memory. Contrast this to a cache hit, in which the requested data is successfully retrieved from the cache.

What is cache hit?

A cache hit is a state in which data requested for processing by a component or application is found in the cache memory. It is a faster means of delivering data to the processor, as the cache already contains the requested data.

What causes cache misses?

As we discussed in this article, a cache miss occurs when the requested data is not found in the cache memory. When this happens, it requires the system to locate it in the main database, which can cause latency.

What happens to cache on context switch?

It just reacts to the memory accesses. If the data cache is flushed and the instruction cache invalidated on a context switch, then it's the OS that triggers this action not the cache. If you install a different OS, this behaviour might change.

2 Answers

Can someone explain in an easy to understand way the concept of cache miss and its probable opposite (cache hit)?

A cache miss, generally, is when something is looked up in the cache and is not found – the cache did not contain the item being looked up. The cache hit is when you look something up in a cache and it was storing the item and is able to satisfy the query.

Why context-switching would cause a lot of cache miss?

In terms of memory, each processor has a memory cache – a high speed copy of small portions of main memory. When a new thread is context switched into a processor, the local cache memory is empty or it doesn't correspond to the data needed for the thread. This means that all (or most) memory lookups made by that new thread result in cache misses because the data that it needs is not stored in the local memory cache. The hardware has to then make a number of requests to main memory to fill up the local memory cache which causes the thread to initially run slower.

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Gray Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10


Whenever the processor wants to fetch data from main memory, first it will look at the cache buffer to see whether the corresponding address is present in the buffer. If it is there, it will perform the operation by using the cache; no need to fetch from the main memory. This is called a "Cache hit".

If the address is not present in the cache, it is called a "Cache miss". If a cache miss has occurred, that means the processor has go to main memory to fetch the address and it takes some more time.

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babu R Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

babu R