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What is '-1[p]' when p points to an array (of int) index? [duplicate]


Today I stumbled over a C riddle that got a new surprise for me.

I didn't think that -1[p] in the example below would compile, but it did. In fact, x ends up to be -3.

    int x;     int array[] = {1, 2, 3};     int *p = &array[1];     x = -1[p] 

I searched the internet for something like -1[pointer] but couldn't find anything. Okay, it is difficult to enter the correct search query, I admit. Who knows why -1[p] compiles and X becomes -3?

like image 725
Erik Stroeken Avatar asked Aug 14 '19 17:08

Erik Stroeken

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1 Answers

I'm the person that made this "riddle" (see my Twitter post)

So! What's up with -1[p]?

ISO C actually defines [] to be symmetrical, meaning x[y] is the same as y[x], where x and y are both expressions.

Naively, we could jump to the conclusion that -1[p] is therefore p[-1] and so x = 1, However, -1 is actually the unary minus operator applied to the constant 1, and unary minus has a lower precedence than []

So, -1[p] is -(p[1]), which yields -3.

This can lead to funky looking snippets like this one, too:

sizeof(char)["abc"] /* yields 'b' */

like image 172
LunarLambda Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
