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What IDE's are available for writing google chrome apps?

I want to start writing a google chrome app but I'd like to use an IDE. Searching around I haven't come up with much. Most of my search results are IDEs that are chrome apps rather than for chrome apps. Does anyone have a suggestion? (I realize I don't /need/ an IDE but I want to know what my options are)

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user1816847 Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 15:12


2 Answers

Happy to report that Google is now working on an open-source IDE specifically targeted at Chrome app development, codenamed Spark. See this announcement on thenextweb.com for example. You can find the code on GitHub here. The IDE is in a very early stage, but progressing quickly. There are no firm plans yet as to when an initial public release in Chrome Web Store will become available, but if you're interested, you can follow announcements on the GitHub page.

UPDATE (08/12/2014): Spark has been officially announced at Google I/O 2014 and released to the public as Chrome Dev Editor. Install it in your Chrome from Chrome Web Store.

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Sergey Shevchenko Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 18:03

Sergey Shevchenko

To build a Chrome app, you just use the typical client-side web development stack--HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This means you can use any IDE you would use for building a web front end like WebStorm, Eclipse, Sublime Text, etc.

You can also build Chrome apps with Google Dart, which means you could also use Dart Editor along with WebStorm and the Dart Plugin for Eclipse.

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Vidya Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 16:03
