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Any other IDEs for Lotus Notes other than Domino Designer?

Are there any other IDEs worth my time for Lotus Notes development? We're doing mostly LotusScript development and would kill for features of Eclipse or Visual Studio, like "Show Declaration". I know there's an Eclipse plugin for Java development in Notes, but seems like it only does Java, and we have too many pieces of legacy code in LotusScript to abandon it.

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Bob King Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 02:01

Bob King

2 Answers

Lotus Notes has moved to the Eclipse platform in version 8. You can run the client in 2 different modes, basic mode which is the version we all know or on the Eclipse platform (know as the standard). The IDE is also moving to eclipse, version 8.5 beta 2 is currently available with the new Eclipse based IDE. Bear in mind that it's a Beta version and it's not feature complete.

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Vitor Pereira Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 19:02

Vitor Pereira

Time is on our side.

The Domino Designer based on Eclipse is now a free download from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ls/dominodesigner/learn.html

It has brilliant Java and LotusScript editors with all the nice Eclipse features like refactoring and typeahead of custom classes.

Every Domino addict should look at this. Admins too, as the above download includes the admin client.

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Lars Berntrop-Bos Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 18:02

Lars Berntrop-Bos