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What happens when you create an instance of an object containing no state in C#?




I am I think ok at algorithmic programming, if that is the right term? I used to play with turbo pascal and 8086 assembly language back in the 1980s as a hobby. But only very small projects and I haven't really done any programming in the 20ish years since then. So I am struggling for understanding like a drowning swimmer.

So maybe this is a very niave question or I'm just making no sense at all, but say I have an object kind of like this:

class Something : IDoer
    void Do(ISomethingElse x)

And then I do

var Thing1 = new Something();
var Thing2 = new Something();


does Thing1 = Thing2? does "new Something()" create anything? Or is it not much different different from having a static class, except I can pass it around and swap it out etc.

Is the "Do" procedure in the same location in memory for both the Thing1(blah) and Thing2(blah) objects? I mean when executing it, does it mean there are two Something.Do procedures or just one?

like image 242
liquorice Avatar asked Jun 14 '10 12:06


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1 Answers

They are two separate objects; they just don't have state.

Consider this code:

var obj1 = new object();
var obj2 = new object();

Console.WriteLine(object.ReferenceEquals(obj1, obj2));

It will output False.

Just because an object has no state doesn't mean it doesn't get allocated just like any other object. It just takes very little space (just like an object).

In response to the last part of your question: there is only one Do method. Methods are not stored per instance but rather per class. If you think about it, it would be extremely wasteful to store them per instance. Every method call to Do on a Something object is really the same set of instructions; all that differs between calls from different objects is the state of the underlying object (if the Something class had any state to begin with, that is).

What this means is that instance methods on class objects are really behaviorally the same as static methods.

You might think of it as if all instance-level methods were secretly translated as follows (I'm not saying this is strictly true, just that you could think of it this way and it does kind of make sense):

// appears to be instance-specific, so you might think
// it would be stored for every instance
public void Do() {

// is clearly static, so it is much clearer it only needs
// to be stored in one place
private static Do(Something instance) {
    // do whatever Do does

Interesting side note: the above hypothetical "translation" explains pretty much exactly how extension methods work: they are static methods, but by qualifying their first parameter with the this keyword, they suddenly look like instance methods.

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Dan Tao Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Dan Tao