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C# comments tutorial [closed]




I would like to know which one is the best material that I can hand out to my students about "C# comments".

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Germstorm Avatar asked Nov 21 '08 13:11


2 Answers

Something that I read a while ago (and have lost track of where) is:

  • Beginners comment nothing
  • Apprentices comment the obvious
  • Journeymen comment the reason for doing it
  • Masters comment the reason for not doing it another way
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Peter M Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Peter M

This Post by Jeff Atwood on his blog Coding Horror goes into the purpose of comments in general. Something you might think is 'duh' really isn't -- especially in the 'real world' when you see comments like the one below:

//Connect to the Database

And of course, there's the corollary to that post: Coding Without Comments.

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George Stocker Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

George Stocker