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What happens if we set the value of undefined?

What does this line below do?

undefined = 'A value'; 

If it does not change the value of undefined then what happens behind the scenes?

like image 618
C graphics Avatar asked Apr 09 '16 16:04

C graphics

People also ask

Can you set something to undefined?

YES, you can, because undefined is defined as undefined.

What does it mean when a value is undefined?

In computing (particularly, in programming), undefined value is a condition where an expression does not have a correct value, although it is syntactically correct. An undefined value must not be confused with empty string, Boolean "false" or other "empty" (but defined) values.

What happens when you add undefined?

Adding numbers to undefined results in NaN (not-a-number), which won't get you anywhere.

How do you set a variable to undefined?

To set the value of a variable is it's equal to undefined , use the nullish coalescing operator, e.g. myVar = myVar ?? 'new value' . The operator returns the right-hand side operand if the left-hand side evaluates to undefined or null , otherwise it returns the left-hand side operand.

2 Answers

undefined is a property of the global object, i.e. it is a variable in global scope. The initial value of undefined is the primitive value undefined.

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/undefined

So, it's just a variable, nothing special about it. Now, to answer your questions:

  1. undefined = 'A value'; attempts to assign a string 'A value' to the global variable undefined
  2. In older browsers the value changes, i.e. undefined === 'A value'; // true. In newer browsers under strict mode the operation results in an error.

You can test the following in a browser console (I'm using a modern browser here - Google Chrome):

undefined = true; console.log(undefined); // undefined // in older browsers like the older Internet Explorer it would have logged true 

The value of undefined doesn't change in the above example. This is because (emphasis mine):

In modern browsers (JavaScript 1.8.5 / Firefox 4+), undefined is a non-configurable, non-writable property per the ECMAScript 5 specification.

Under strict mode:

'use strict'; undefined = true; // VM358:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'undefined' of object 
like image 102
Oleg Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


Unlike things like true, 123 or null, undefined is not a literal. That means using the undefined identifier is not a foolproof way to obtain the undefined value. Instead, can use the void operator, e.g. void 0.

By default, undefined defined a property of the global object, that is, global variable. Before ECMAScript 5, that property was writable, so

undefined = "A value"; 

replaced the value of window.undefined, assuming it was not shadowed by a local variable. Then if you used "A value" === undefined, you would get true. And void 0 === undefined would produce false.

ECMAScript 5 changed this behavior, and now the property is not writable nor configurable. Therefore, assignments to undefined will be ignored in non-strict mode, and will throw an exception is strict mode. Under the hood,

  1. undefined = "A value"; is a Simple Assignment
  2. That uses PutValue to put the value "A value" in a reference with base the global object, referenced name "undefined", and strict flag if the assignment is made in strict mode.
  3. It calls the [[Put]] internal method of the global object, passing "undefined" as the property name, "A value" as the value, and the strict flag as the throw flag.
  4. It calls the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of the global object, passing "undefined", the property descriptor {[[Value]]: "A value"}, and the throw flag as arguments.
  5. It rejects, that is, throws a TypeError exception if the throw flag is true, otherwise returns false.

However, you are still able to declare local undefined variables:

(function() {   var undefined = "A value";   alert(undefined); // "A value"; })(); 
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Oriol Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
