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Define local function in JavaScript: use var or not?

When a local (inner) function is declared in JavaScript, there are two options:

Declaring with var keyword, assigning to the variable:

(function() {     var innerFunction1 = function() { ... };     innerFunction1(); }()); 

Declaring just with the function keyword, without assigning to variable:

(function() {     function innerFunction2() { ... };     innerFunction2(); }()); 

I can see one advantage of the second: the function can be declared below the code which calls it so it is easier to separate private functions from the code actually executed.

Which of them is better and why?

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Pavel S. Avatar asked May 08 '13 11:05

Pavel S.

People also ask

Is VAR local in JavaScript?

Any variable declared with the var keyword inside a function is a local variable. It's considered best practice to declare your variables. Note: in strict mode, it's an error if you assign value to variable without first declaring the variable.

What is a local function in JavaScript?

When you use JavaScript, local variables are variables that are defined within functions. They have local scope, which means that they can only be used within the functions that define them. Global Variable: In contrast, global variables are variables that are defined outside of functions.

What is the difference between VAR and function in JavaScript?

A variable is something, which stores data. A function is a bunch of code, which can be executed, if you call. But a function can be a variable, too, as it stores data and values, too. See the following syntax: var functionname = function(){} .

What is local and global variables in JavaScript?

Global variables are declared outside of a function for accessibility throughout the program, while local variables are stored within a function using var for use only within that function's scope.

1 Answers

Actually there are 3 ways to declare a function:

  1. Function declaration: A Function Declaration defines a named function variable without requiring variable assignment. Function Declarations occur as standalone constructs and cannot be nested within non-function blocks. ex: function innerFunction1 () { };

  2. Function expression:: A Function Expression defines a function as a part of a larger expression syntax (typically a variable assignment). Functions defined via Function Expressions can be named or anonymous:

    a. Using an anonymous function - var innerFunction1 = function() { };

    b. Using a named function - var innerFunction1 = function myInnerFunction () { };

  3. Function constructor: A Function Constructor defines a function dynamically using the Function( ) constructor. Note that the function body is passed to the function as a string argument. var innerFunction1 = new Function (arg1, arg2, ... argN, functionBody)

The third method is not recommended because passing the function body as a string may prevent some JS engine optimizations, and it is prone to errors.

The differences between function declaration and function expression are subtle and you should choose whichever method suits your requirements best.

I use function expression where I need

  1. a singleton function, or
  2. to determine which function to use programmatically (using a named function expression).

Some differences between a function declaration and a function expression are:

  1. Function expressions allow you to assign different functions to the same variable at different points.
  2. A function defined by a function declaration can be used before the function declaration itself (or basically anywhere in the current scope), whereas a function defined by a function expression can only be used after the point it is defined.

Click here to read the detailed comparison of Function Declaration vs Function Expression vs Function Constructor @MDN

Note: A function declaration can be easily turned into a function expression by assigning it to a var.

function foo() {} alert(foo); // alerted string contains function name "foo" var bar = foo; alert(bar); // alerted string still contains function name "foo" 

More Reading:

  • http://www.adequatelygood.com/JavaScript-Scoping-and-Hoisting.html
  • http://javascriptweblog.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/function-declarations-vs-function-expressions/
  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/x844tc74%28v=vs.94%29.aspx
  • http://es5.github.io/#x15.3
  • var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}
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Selvakumar Arumugam Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Selvakumar Arumugam