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what happens after a broker is down in a cluster?



Suppose a broker is down for long time, now what happens to the followers and leaders that this broker was containing?

  • if broker was containing a leader and one of in-sync replica is chosen as leader, does it create another in-sync replica(in case we have specific replication factor)?

  • if broker was containing a follower, does it create another follower elsewhere in cluster?

  • now suppose broker awakens after long time, now do leaders and followers are restored as it left when it went down?

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amrit sharma Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 07:11

amrit sharma

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What happens when a broker is down?

What happens when a broker is down, depends on your configuration. In case you’re using the synchronous producer (where the ordering of messages is important), you need to implement your own retries. The synchronous producer doesn’t handle this scenario where one broker is down.

What happens when a Kafka broker is down?

Now we will set an alert, so whenever any of Kafka broker is down, we’ll receive a notification. For Kafka, a single broker is just a cluster of size one. Usually we don’t create a single broker. If a single broker is down, our Kafka server will also stop and we won’t be able to generate any matrices.

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The broker.id property is the unique and permanent name of each node in the cluster. We have to override the port and log directory only because we are running these all on the same machine and we want to keep the brokers from all trying to register on the same port or overwrite each other’s data.

What happens when a broker is offline?

During that time our producer was not able to produce messages (at least to some partitions). If the offline broker was a leader, a new leader is elected from the replicas that are in-sync. What happens when a broker is down, depends on your configuration.

1 Answers

What happens when a broker is down depends on your configuration. It mostly depends on these configuration settings:

  • min.insync.replicas
  • default.replication.factor
  • unclean.leader.election.enable

Kafka does not create a new replica when a broker goes down.

If the offline broker was a leader, a new leader is elected from the replicas that are in-sync. If no replicas are in-sync it will only elect an out of sync replica if unclean.leader.election.enable is true, otherwise the partition will be offline.

If the offline broker was a follower, it will be marked a out of sync by the leader.

When restarting the broker, it will try to get back in sync. Once done, whether it stays a follower or becomes the leader depends if it is the prefered replica.

Finally if you know a broker will be offline for a long time and still require a replica, you can use the reassignment tool kafka-reassign-partitions.sh to move partitions to online brokers.

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Mickael Maison Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11

Mickael Maison