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Implement Kafka Streams Processor in .Net?

Is that possible?

The official .Net client confluent-kafka-dotnet only seems to provide consumer and producer functionality.

And (from what I remember looking into Kafka streams quite a while back) I believe Kafka Streams processors always run on the JVMs that run Kafka itself. In that case, it would be principally impossible.

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Evgeniy Berezovsky Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 02:02

Evgeniy Berezovsky

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1 Answers

Yes, it is possible to re-implement Apache Kafka's Streams client library (a Java library) in .NET. But at the moment there doesn't exist such a ready-to-use Kafka Streams implementation for .NET.

And (from what I remember looking into Kafka streams quite a while back) I believe Kafka Streams processors always run on the JVMs that run Kafka itself. In that case, it would be principally impossible.

No, Kafka Streams "processors" as you call them do not run in (the JVMs of) the Kafka brokers, which would be server-side.

Instead, the Kafka Streams client library is used to implement client-side Java/Scala/Clojure/... applications for stream processing. These applications talk to the Kafka brokers (which form the Kafka cluster) over the network.

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Michael G. Noll Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Michael G. Noll