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What font and size is used in Windows 7 File Explorer Tree

I am having a hard time to find out which font is used by the Win 7 File Explorer in the tree view on the left hand side. Better, of course, would be if I can programmatically find out which the right font is (C#).

I searched the Windows 7 design guidelines but this particular scenario is not listed (at least I couldn't find it).

So anyone good with fonts?

like image 639
Stefan Koell Avatar asked Nov 01 '09 22:11

Stefan Koell

2 Answers

It's Segoe UI. In the future, you can use WhatTheFont to resolve any questions you have about what font something is.

like image 52
Anthony Mills Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10

Anthony Mills

P/Invoke to SystemParametersInfo with SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT.

It depends on the language version of Windows. If you look at Robert Harvey's answer, you'll see a character that can't be displayed by Segoe UI.

like image 25
Windows programmer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10

Windows programmer