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What features does Pedestal have compared to other Clojure web frameworks?


Recently Relevance announced Pedestal, a new web framework for Clojure.

How does this framework compare to other Clojure web frameworks such as Compojure, Webjure, Conjure, Moustache and so on, in terms of features, ease of application development, developer tools, etc.

See Comparison of Clojure web frameworks

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noahlz Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 20:03


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2 Answers

My take on it is Pedestal is more about separation of concerns from an architectural perspective than it is a feature set:

  • Clojure on the server and client side (via ClojureScript) allows you to put code (and thus logic) where it makes the most sense
  • http requests are decoupled from a specific thread in the server with the interceptor abstraction
  • separates application logic from rendering concerns
  • rendering control for state changes in the app via data flow

Those things are big advantages over the life cycle of an app. Having said that, it is alpha level and subject to change and the control by data flow is a bit different, so like anything new there is a learning curve.

If you check out the documentation and listen to the podcast here it will clear up a lot. Hope that helps.

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Mike Williams Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Mike Williams

Another thing is, Pedestal, in contrast to Ring, allows processing of one requests in more than one thread. Its Ring compatible Interceptor model allows this: http://pedestal.io/documentation/service-interceptors/

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Michiel Borkent Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Michiel Borkent