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AngularJS - Need some combination of $routeChangeStart and $locationChangeStart


My problem is actually very similar to the one found here:

AngularJs - cancel route change event

In short, I'm using $routeChangeStart and trying to change the current route using $location. When I do, the console shows me that the original page is still loads and is quickly overwritten by the new page.

The solution provided was to use $locationChangeStart instead of $routeChangeStart, which should work for preventing the extra redirect. Unfortunately, I'm using additional data in the $routeprovider that I need to access while changing the route (I use it to track page restrictions). Here's an example...

    when('/login', { controller: 'LoginCtrl', templateUrl: '/app/partial/login.html', access: false}).
    when('/home', { controller: 'HomeCtrl', templateUrl: '/app/partial/home.html', access: true}).
    otherwise({ redirectTo: '/login' });

$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
        //Do Stuff
        //This will load the current route first (ie: '/home'), and then
        //redirect the user to the correct 'login' route.

With $routeChangeStart, I can use the "next" and "current" parameters (see AngularJS - $route) as objects to retrieve my 'access' values. With $locationChangeStart, those two parameters return url strings, not objects. So there seems to be no way to retrieve my 'access' values.

Is there any way I can combine the redirect-stopping power of $locationChangeStart with the object-flexibility of $routeChangeStart to achieve what I need?

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ThisLanham Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 19:07


3 Answers

One approach that comes to mind is trying to use the resolve parameter for this:

var resolver = function(access) {
  return {
    load: function($q) {
      if (access) { // fire $routeChangeSuccess
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        return deferred.promise;
      } else { // fire $routeChangeError
        return $q.reject("/login");

  when('/login', { controller: 'LoginCtrl', templateUrl: '/app/partial/login.html', resolve: resolver(false)}).
  when('/home', { controller: 'HomeCtrl', templateUrl: '/app/partial/home.html', resolve: resolver(true)}).
  otherwise({ redirectTo: '/login' });

Please note that I haven't tested the code above but I'm doing similar stuff in my projects.

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Marius Soutier Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Marius Soutier

I faced the same situation myself and my solution was aligned with what the OP intended to do.

I use the $locationChangeStart event and the $route service. By accessing $route.routes, I get a hold of all route objects defined with $routeProvider.

.run(function($rootScope, $route, $location) {
  $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(ev, next, current) {
    // We need the path component of `next`. We can either process `next` and 
    // spit out its path component, or simply use $location.path(). I go with
    // the latter.
    var nextPath = $location.path();
    var nextRoute = $route.routes[nextPath]

    console.log(nextRoute.access); // There you go!

To parse the path component out of an absolute URL:

var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');
urlParsingNode.href = next;  // say, next = 'http://www.abc.com/foo?name=joe
console.log(urlParsingNode.pathname)  // returns "/foo"
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tamakisquare Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10


Since version 1.3.0 you can actually use the newly introduced preventDefault-method. With that you can cancel the current route change and then apply your own custom redirect as shown in this github-issue:

$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function (event, next, current) {
    if (next.access) {
      $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {

I implemented this method in my own project and it works perfectly. Hope it helps anyone else who stumbles across it.

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snrlx Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
