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How to get the 1st value before delimiter in sql server


In one of the column i am getting 2 values with a delimiter between it How to extract both the values

I have some thing like this Column TRN02 is 115679-5757

I need to take values before delimiter and after delimter into 2 separate columns again.

Can some one help me on this

like image 1000
Naveen Avatar asked Oct 23 '13 16:10


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1 Answers

You can use SUBSTRING to do this:

    SUBSTRING(TRN02, 0, CHARINDEX('-', TRN02)) AS [First]
    SUBSTRING(TRN02, CHARINDEX('-', TRN02)  + 1, LEN(TRN02)) AS [Second]
like image 180
Khan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
