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What exactly is the effect of Ctrl-C on C++ Win32 console applications?

  1. Is it possible to handle this event in some way?
  2. What happens in terms of stack unwinding and deallocation of static/global objects?
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Assaf Lavie Avatar asked May 27 '09 08:05

Assaf Lavie

2 Answers

Ctrl-C in console application will generate a signal. The default handler of this signal calls ExitProcess to terminate the application. You can override this behaviour by setting your own handler functions for the signal using SetConsoleCtrlHandler function.

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Shino C G Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Shino C G

EDIT: SIGINT, not SIGTERM. And Assaf reports that no objects are destroyed (at least on Windows) for unhanded SIGINT.

The system sends a SIGINT. This concept applies (with some variance) for all C implementations. To handle it, you call signal, specifying a signal handler. See the documentation on the signal function at Open Group and MSDN.

The second question is a little trickier, and may depend on implementation. The best bet is to handle the signal, which allows you to use delete and exit() manually.

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Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Matthew Flaschen