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No matching function for QObject::connect

I'm writing a program that send an UDP frame every 10 mS. Here's how my program is supposed to work :

I've got a client class :


void clientSupervision::sendDataUDP(){
    //Create a frame and send it

void clientSupervision::sendDataUDPTimer(int timer){
    QTimer *tempsEnvoieTrameSupervision = new QTimer();//Create a timer
    tempsEnvoieTrameSupervision->setInterval(timer);//Set the interval

    //Mise en place des connections
    QObject::connect (tempsEnvoieTrameSupervision,SIGNAL (timeout()),this, SLOT (envoiTrameSupervision())); //Connect the timer to the function
    tempsEnvoieTrameSupervision->start();// Start the timer

//Call sendDataUDP
void clientSupervision::envoiTrameSupervision(){
    std::cout << "Envoi de la trame de supervision";

My header file of clienSupervision.h :

#include <winsock2.h> // pour les fonctions socket
#include <cstdio> // Pour les Sprintf
#include "StructureSupervision.h"
#include "utilitaireudp.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QObject>
#include <iostream>
class clientSupervision
    void sendDataUDP();
    void sendDataUDPTimer(int timer);

public slots:
    void envoiTrameSupervision();


Then I use this in my main :

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    clientSupervision c;
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    return a.exec();

I've got the error :

no matching function for call to 'QObject::connect(QTimer*&, const char*, clientSupervision* const, const char*)

I don't understand why the connect function can't find a matching function.

What should I change?

like image 588
Evans Belloeil Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 13:06

Evans Belloeil

3 Answers

There can be several reasons for the issue in general:

  • You do not inherit QObject.

  • You do not have the Q_OBJECT macro in your class.

  • You do not define the method as slot in your header file where the class is declared.

Your issue is the first which can be seen here:

class clientSupervision

You should change your code to:

class clientSupervision : public QObject
//                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Of course, the constructor implementation and signature would need to change, too, as follows:

explicit clientSupervision(QObject *parent = Q_NULL_PTR) : QObject(parent) { ... }

In addition, you seem to leak your QTimer instance as it does not get the parent as a parameter to the constructor.

Furthermore, the QObject:: scope is needless in your code as your class ought to inherit QObject directly or indirectly either way.

Even more, I would highly encourage you to utilize the new signal-slot syntax.

like image 166
lpapp Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10


Another possible cause of this error is trying to connect to a slot which is overloaded. For example, this well cause the same error


But not if you explicitely cast:

                 static_cast<void (QWidget::*)()>(&QWidget::update),
like image 9
Peter Mitrano Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Peter Mitrano

Here's another one that snuck up on me: The class of the slot object had been forward declared in the header, but not defined in the implementation by including its header.

like image 3
2NinerRomeo Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10
