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What exactly does `pod repo update` do?

I'm following an internet tutorial on Firebase and as part of it, I had to do some work on the command line. I'm pretty comfortable with the command line, but I'm unfamiliar with Cocoapods. I ran pod repo update but after doing so I realized I ran it on my entire Documents folder of my Mac instead of the folder that contained my project. I took over 20 mins to execute and it printed out literally thousands of things when it finally completed, some of which included "create" and "deleted". I was kind of concerned- would run this command have modified anything in my Documents besides the Firebase project? And what does pod repo update even do for that matter?

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A Tyshka Avatar asked Apr 29 '17 23:04

A Tyshka

People also ask

What is the difference between POD install and pod update?

You added a new pod to your Podfile This will install the latest version* of any new pods added to your Podfile, leaving your other pods unchanged. If you were to run pod update instead, it would install the new pods and update each of your existing pods to its latest version*.

How do I update my pod library?

Use pod install to install new pods in your project. Even if you already have a Podfile and ran pod install before; so even if you are just adding/removing pods to a project already using CocoaPods. Use pod update [PODNAME] only when you want to update pods to a newer version.

What does POD Deintegrate do?

pod deintegrate and pod clean are two designated commands to remove CocoaPod from your project/repo.

What is POD repo add?

As per the documentation pod repo update updates the spec repos located at ~/. cocoapods/repos in your home folder. Updates the local clone of the spec-repo NAME. If NAME is omitted this will update all spec-repos in ~/.

2 Answers

As per the documentation pod repo update updates the spec repos located at ~/.cocoapods/repos in your home folder.

Updates the local clone of the spec-repo NAME. If NAME is omitted this will update all spec-repos in ~/.cocoapods/repos.

The repo is basically a list of all pods and versions available. I have just encountered an error in our CI builds because the repo did not include a spec for a library I have just added. By running pod repo update it now knows of this newer version and can continue to install it.

So to answer your question.. Running pod repo update in your documents folder will not do anything in that folder. It will update its pod spec references in your ~/.cocoapods/repos folder only.

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Scriptable Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10


The main Specs repo is nothing but a list of ALL PodSpecs. A PodSpec is:

A specification describes a version of Pod library. It includes details about where the source should be fetched from [which tag or commit or branch], what files to use, the build settings to apply, and other general metadata such as its name, version, and description.

The specs directory is nothing but a list of all distinct PodSpecs. Each version of the PodSpec is under a tag directory. The repo doesn't contain the pod itself. The repo contains the PodSpec. The PodSpec gives the location of the repo and a bunch of other meta data⚡︎

spec.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachability.git', :tag => 'v3.1.0' } 

When you do pod repo update, you're pulling the latest PodSpecs (not the actual pod) from https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs. If you want to only update an individual pod source, then just do pod repo update [NAME]

Cocoapods/Specs master repo:

enter image description here

The list of some Alamofire PodSpecs

enter image description here

A single PodSpec 4.7.3:

enter image description here

⚡︎: PodSpec: A specification describes a version of Pod library. It includes details about where the source should be fetched from, what files to use, the build settings to apply, and other general metadata such as its name, version, and description.

Your actual project pulls in the code through either pod update or pod install then the physical files get downloaded to your mac and copied for your project.

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mfaani Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 15:10
