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Firebase Crashlytics: Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions.(iOS)

Error Message: Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions. Versions affected: 1.0 (1)

I am trying to implement Firebase Crashlytics in my iOS project. I did all the setups according to Firebase Crashlytics Doucmentation. The crash is performed manually when the button is clicked just to see whether the crashlytics is working.

@IBAction func onTestCrashButtonClick(_ sender: UIButton) {      Crashlytics.sharedInstance().crash()  } 

But when i tried to see the error report in the firebase console, it shows something like this image.

enter image description here

After reading Get Deobfuscated crash reports I just Set Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM File like below but the problem not fixed till now. enter image description here

like image 786
jazzbpn Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 08:01


People also ask

How do I fix missing dSYMs on Firebase Crashlytics?

If you can find the missing dSYM there, you can upload it again to fix the issue. Sometime, Apple Connect returns some wrong UUIDs, it means the user crashes on a binary has a missing UUID but Firebase Crashlytics received the dSYM of the wrong UUID so they cannot link together and cause the issue.

How do I upload dSYM to Crashlytics Firebase?

To manually upload your dSYMs, you can use the console-based "Drag and Drop" option to upload a zip archive containing your dSYM files (go to Firebase console > Crashlytics > dSYMs tab).

How to get crash report on Firebase?

Simple Steps Follow 1 Go to archive and right click on the latest version in which you want to get crash report on firebase 2 see the dsyms folder 3 create the Zip file of dsyms folder 4 finally upload that zip file into the firebase console Show activity on this post. The accepted answer is perfect and what I also followed.

Why is my dSYM missing from Crashlytics?

When an upload fails, Crashlytics displays a "Missing dSYM" alert in the Firebase console. If you get this alert, first check that Xcode is producing the correct dSYM for every build: Open your project in Xcode and select the project file in the Xcode Navigator.

How to upload dsyms to Firebase Crashlytics?

Google has added a swanky .dSYM upload feature on the Firebase Crashlytics dashboard, no more uploading from the terminal. Edit on March 16, 2020. Google is soon removing the upload feature on the Firebase Dashboard. An uploader script should be used from the terminal to upload dSYMs to Firebase. See Google's instructions here.

How to fix dSYM file name is not UUID in Firebase?

Sometime, the dSYM file name is not UUID but binary name. To get the UUID of a certain dSYM file, use this command: dwarfdump -u <dSYM_file> After finding the file, follow this step from Firebase crashlytics to upload it manually. Wait for few minutes to let Firebase crashlytics re-process the crash reports again then the issue would be dismissed.

1 Answers

Only and simple way to upload DSYMS files to Firebase Crashlytics. (April - 2021)

  1. Download appDsyms archive from App Store

    1.1 Login: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com

    1.2 Go to: MyApps -> Choose your app -> Test Flight -> Select app version that is in the App Store -> Build Metadata -> Includes Symbols (right side) -> Press: Download dSYM.

  2. Open terminal, drag and drop 3 files on terminal on this order:

    2.1 drag an drop: "upload-symbols" which can be found in /project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols

    2.2 write " -gsp "

    2.3 drag an drop: "GoogleService-Info.plist" which can be found in /project/GoogleService-Info.plist

    2.4 write " -p ios "

    2.5 drag an drop: "appDsyms" folder (unarchived, zip file might not work!) which usually is in Download folder /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms

    2.6 Press Enter

In terminal the complete command should include -gsp and -p ios, full command looks like this: 2.1 -gsp 2.3 -p ios 2.5

/project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /project/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms 

All Set, wait for upload in the terminal!

Terminal example: enter image description here


One way how to get a file or folder location with a drag and drop to terminal:

enter image description here


AppStore Connect, Download dSYM:

enter image description here

like image 123
Egzon P. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09

Egzon P.