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What does WISC (stack) mean? [closed]



Or WISA: Windows, IIS, SQL Server, ASP.net

I don't know why anyone would want to call it WISC, as these people are essentially saying "We will never ever use VB.NET, IronPython, IronRuby, F# or any other .NET Language". Also calling it .NET (WISN) sounds a bit weird as well, since ASP.NET is the Web-Technology of .NET. But well, that's the good things about acronyms and standard. Everyone has its own.

That looks correct although I would have called it WISN (Wizzen) with .NET at the end rather than a particular language within the .NET ecosphere.

The best one is:

FreeBSD Apache PostgreSQL Ruby (FAPpeR) / Perl/PHP (FAPP!) ...

If you're asking for something more-or-less like LAMP except it runs on Windows, I usually see

  • WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
  • WIMP (MS Windows; MS IIS (Internet Information Services); MySQL, MS SQL Server or MS Access; PHP, Perl, or Python).

On a completely unrelated topic,

When I use the term "WISC", I'm always talking about some WISC (writable instruction set computer) design, such as the Intel Xeon. Many of them "stack computers" (stack machines). Perhaps the most famous are the WISC CPU/16 and the WISC CPU/32 designed by Philip Koopman; each design is a "stack computer" (as opposed to a "memory-to-memory machine" or "RISC" or "accumulator machine").