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What does upstream mean in nginx?

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What is an upstream in NGINX?

The servers that Nginx proxies requests to are known as upstream servers. Nginx can proxy requests to servers that communicate using the http(s), FastCGI, SCGI, and uwsgi, or memcached protocols through separate sets of directives for each type of proxy.

What is upstream and downstream NGINX?

nginx calls the servers that it sends requests to "upstream servers", and presumably the incoming requests would therefore be "downstream clients".

How does NGINX resolve upstream?

Upstream Domain Resolve¶ Its buffer has the latest IPs of the backend domain name and it integrates with the configured load balancing algorithm (least_conn, hash, etc) or the built in round robin if none is explicitly defined. At every interval (one second by default), it resolves the domain name.

What is meant by upstream server?

In computer networking, upstream server refers to a server that provides service to another server. In other words, upstream server is a server that is located higher in a hierarchy of servers.

It's used for proxying requests to other servers.

An example from http://wiki.nginx.org/LoadBalanceExample is:

http {
  upstream myproject {
    server weight=3;

  server {
    listen 80;
    server_name www.domain.com;
    location / {
      proxy_pass http://myproject;

This means all requests for / go to the any of the servers listed under upstream XXX, with a preference for port 8000.

upstream defines a cluster that you can proxy requests to. It's commonly used for defining either a web server cluster for load balancing, or an app server cluster for routing / load balancing.

If we have a single server we can directly include it in the proxy_pass directive. For example:

  server {
    location / {

But in case if we have many servers we use upstream to maintain the servers. Nginx will load-balance based on the incoming traffic, as shown in this answer.