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What does the shrink wrap property do in flutter?



I am new to Flutter and very eager to learn this technology. I cannot understand the work of shrinkWrap property in ListView. I couldn't understand the Flutter documentation.

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Harsh Gupta Avatar asked Jan 02 '19 13:01

Harsh Gupta

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2 Answers

Usually a ListView (as well as GridView, PageView and CustomScrollView) tries to fill all the available space given by the parent element, even when the list items would require less space.

With shrinkWrap: true, you can change this behavior so that the ListView only occupies the space it needs (it will still scroll when there more items).

Take a look at this example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';  void main() => runApp(App());  class App extends StatelessWidget {   @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return MaterialApp(       home: Scaffold(         appBar: AppBar(),         body: Center(           child: Container(             margin: EdgeInsets.all(32),             decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(color: Colors.red)),             child: ListView(               shrinkWrap: false,               children: <Widget>[                 ListTile(title: Text('Item 1')),                 ListTile(title: Text('Item 2')),                 ListTile(title: Text('Item 3')),               ],             ),           ),         ),       ),     );   } } 

With shrinkWrap: false:

without shrinkWrap

With shrinkWrap: true:

with shrinkWrap

You can use this in AlertDialogs: When there are only a few items, make the dialog as small as possible. When there are many items, fill the screen height and make the list scrollable:



like image 177
boformer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09


If you do not set the shrinkWrap property, your ListView will be as big as its parent.

If you set it to true, the list will wrap its content and be as big as it children allows it to be.

like image 22
Daniel Oliveira Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09

Daniel Oliveira