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how to add custom color to flutter?

I want to change the color of AppBar and use a custom color for it, I tried many options but none seem to work. Is there anything I'm missing?

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

final ThemeData CompanyThemeData = new ThemeData(
  brightness: Brightness.light,
  primaryColorBrightness: Brightness.light,
  accentColor: CompanyColors.black[500],
  accentColorBrightness: Brightness.light
class CompanyColors {
  CompanyColors._(); // this basically makes it so you can instantiate this class
 static const _blackPrimaryValue = 0xFF000000;

  static const MaterialColor black = const MaterialColor(
    const <int, Color>{
      50:  const Color(0xFFe0e0e0),
      100: const Color(0xFFb3b3b3),
      200: const Color(0xFF808080),
      300: const Color(0xFF4d4d4d),
      400: const Color(0xFF262626),
      500: const Color(_blackPrimaryValue),
      600: const Color(0xFF000000),
      700: const Color(0xFF000000),
      800: const Color(0xFF000000),
      900: const Color(0xFF000000),

and then I have used it in main.dart as

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: new ThemeData(
        // This is the theme of your application.
        // Try running your application with "flutter run". You'll see the
        // application has a blue toolbar. Then, without quitting the app, try
        // changing the primarySwatch below to Colors.green and then invoke
        // "hot reload" (press "r" in the console where you ran "flutter run",
        // or press Run > Flutter Hot Reload in IntelliJ). Notice that the
        // counter didn't reset back to zero; the application is not restarted.
      home: new MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),

but after execution it says

type Color is not of subtype MaterialColor

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Karishma Avatar asked May 27 '18 06:05


People also ask

How do you get custom colors on Flutter?

In one single file, you can add more functionalities. Moreover, from MaterialApp, now you can control the color theme throughout the app. We can control AppBar color through Scaffold widget. After that, we can use a CustomPage widget where we can build the page using our custom theme.

How do you add material color in Flutter?

To turn any color to material, You just follow below, Especially, when we try to give a primary swatch color, It only accepts the material color code. Now, Just create a variable for your custom color and specify your values in it for 50 to 900 for Luminance purpose. Map<int, Color> color ={50:Color.

4 Answers

basically flutter uses color AARRGGBB format you can use below color code with any color property like:

new Container(color: const Color(0xff2980b9));

AA = transparency

RR = red

GG = green

BB = blue

now if you want to create custom color 8-digit code from 6-digit color code then just append transparency (AA) value to it

Transparency percentages Following are some example transparency percentages and their hex values

100% - FF
95% - F2
90% - E6
85% - D9
80% - CC
75% - BF
70% - B3
65% - A6
60% - 99
55% - 8C
50% - 80
45% - 73
40% - 66
35% - 59
30% - 4D
25% - 40
20% - 33
15% - 26
10% - 1A
5% - 0D
0% - 00

in my case i always use AA = ff because 6-digit color has ff transparency. for 6-digit color best site

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Mohsin AR Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Mohsin AR

There are several ways to do it, but this is the method I prefer to use. It's dead simple.

Create a custom

MaterialColor myColor = MaterialColor(0xFF880E4F, color);

Create a map and as you will see below that I modify the opacity channel from 50 through to 900 to give you the various color degrees of opacity.

Map<int, Color> color =
50:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .1),
100:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .2),
200:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .3),
300:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .4),
400:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .5),
500:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .6),
600:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .7),
700:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .8),
800:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .9),
900:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, 1),

Same works for Color.fromRGBA if you prefer using Alpha over Opacity.

I would like to point out that I saw you were trying to do this.

primarySwatch: Colors.black[500]

This will give you the an error. You have to use the base MaterialColor you created. Using the color degree modifiers will make the compiler unhappy.

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Patrick Kelly Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Patrick Kelly

It's a MaterialColor object (not Color) you should assign for a swatch property, providing color values for the ten different luminances.

Many people suggested adjusting the alpha/opacity value of the colors used in the MaterialColor. It's actually a big mistake because it will result in making your element translucent without providing color variety of different shades.

Please consider using this solution for a better approach.

Flutter: Creating a custom color swatch for MaterialColor

MaterialColor createMaterialColor(Color color) {
  List strengths = <double>[.05];
  final swatch = <int, Color>{};
  final int r = color.red, g = color.green, b = color.blue;

  for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
    strengths.add(0.1 * i);
  strengths.forEach((strength) {
    final double ds = 0.5 - strength;
    swatch[(strength * 1000).round()] = Color.fromRGBO(
      r + ((ds < 0 ? r : (255 - r)) * ds).round(),
      g + ((ds < 0 ? g : (255 - g)) * ds).round(),
      b + ((ds < 0 ? b : (255 - b)) * ds).round(),
  return MaterialColor(color.value, swatch);
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Nick Song Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Nick Song

You can create a Seprate class.

static const PrimaryColor =  Color(0xFF808080);
static const PrimaryAssentColor =  Color(0xFF808080);
static const PrimaryDarkColor =  Color(0xFF808080);
static const ErroColor =  Color(0xFF808080);
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SilenceCodder Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10
