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What does the `p-N` and its variants represent in Bootstrap v4?

I find the naming in Bootstrap v4 less than intuitive.

I know they want to minimise the impact all the classes cluttering up the markup, but I just can't come to a reasonable conclusion. I can guess - but I can't find concrete answers.

  • p-1, p-2, p-N: Flexbox related, but what does the p stand for?
  • d-flex: Flexbox related, but what does the d stand for? Perhaps display?
  • mr-auto - Elliots cousin? Guessing margin related - perhaps margin-right-auto but can't confirm in the docs.
  • mt-auto - ?
  • ml-auto - ?
like image 633
Chris Avatar asked Feb 10 '17 13:02


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1 Answers

They are the new spacing utility classes. I think they're very intuitive:

  • p-* is for padding all sides.
  • m-* is for margin all sides.
  • pl-* is for padding left.
  • mt-* is for margin top.
  • mr-auto is for margin right auto.

Spacing Utils Demo

There are also display utilties.

d-block, d-flex, d-inline-block, d-none etc...

like image 199
Zim Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10
