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What does the Keyword tag mean in a *.vcxproj file?

I see the following in many *.vcxproj files

<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">

What does the <Keyword>Win32Proj</Keyword> segment mean? Does it affect any behavior during the build?

In general, where can I find documentation on the tags in a project file?

like image 836
Jordan Crittenden Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 21:07

Jordan Crittenden

People also ask

How do I read a Vcxproj file?

You can inspect the contents of a . vcxproj file by using any text or XML editor. You can view it in Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project in Solution Explorer, choosing Unload project and then choosing Edit Foo. vcxproj.

What is Vcxproj file type?

A C++ project file in Visual Studio is an XML-based file that has the . vcxproj file name extension and contains information that is required to build a C++ project. Note that the project file imports various project files that have the ". props" or ". targets" extension.

What is Vcxproj filter file?

vcxproj. filters) is an XML file in MSBuild format that is located in the root project folder. It specifies which file types go into which logical folder in Solution Explorer.

1 Answers

<Keyword>Win32Proj</Keyword> tells Visual Studio which of the Windows-specific dependencies you are going to use.

It depends on type of the project selected during its creation. enter image description here

For already present project you may view this setting in the Project Properties --> General. enter image description here

Now, up to your question.

Does it affect any behavior during the build?

Win32Proj means that AdditionalIncludeDirectories will contain paths to WinAPI libraries. If it were MFCProj, then paths to MFC headers would have been present there in addition to WinAPI. For instance, see in this project file

As for the documentation, try to check this article from MSDN blog, it explains the meaning of some of the tags. And here are the guidelines for working with project properties. Note that those properties are supposed to be viewed and edited from the UI, so a structure of a real *.vcxproj file may not seem to you extremely friendly or human-readable.

like image 64
Vasiliy Galkin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Vasiliy Galkin