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What does the [Intrinsic] attribute in C# do?

A quick Google search for "instrinsic attribute c#" only returns articles about other attributes, such as [Serializable]. Apparently these are called "intrinsic attributes".

However, there is also an attribute in C# that is itself called [Intrinsic] and I'm trying to figure out what exactly it is and how it works. It doesn't exist on the common attributes page of the .NET Documentation, or anywhere else in the documentation as far as I can see.

This attribute is used inside of .NET Core in several places, for example, in the System.Numerics.Vectors folder, such as Vector2_Intrinsics.cs. Code snippet:

public Vector2(float x, float y)
    X = x;
    Y = y;
like image 363
Aaron Franke Avatar asked May 31 '19 04:05

Aaron Franke

People also ask

What is a intrinsic attribute?

Intrinsic attributes are part of a product (taste, smell, texture and appearance), as well as its chemical and physical composition (6). By contrast, extrinsic attributes belong to (but are not part of) the food.

What is intrinsic in c#?

Blog gives an overview of intrinsic attributes. Attributes are a mechanism of adding metadata or declarative information to program element such as class, methods, constructor, property etc. Intrinsic attributes are supplied as part of the Common Language Runtime and they are integrated into . NET framework.

1 Answers

Here's what I've managed to find after a very limited search through dotnet/corefx repository on github.

[Intrinsic] marks methods, properties and fields that can be potentially replaced/optimized by JIT. Source code comments say something similar (IntrinsicAttribute.cs):

Calls to methods or references to fields marked with this attribute may be replaced at some call sites with jit intrinsic expansions. Types marked with this attribute may be specially treated by the runtime/compiler.


For core developers, [Intrinsic] serves at least two purposes:

  • it notifies the developer that the code of the marked field, method or property can be replaced by VM. So, if the code changes, the change should probably be introduced in both places;
  • it is used as a flag for JIT-optimizer to quickly identify methods that can potentially be optimized.

To give a rough example: JIT-optimizer can replace Enum.HasFlag with a simple bitwise comparison in some cases and not in the others. To do this it needs to identify the method as Enum.HasFlag, check some conditions and replace it with a more optimal implementation. The optimizer can identify the method by name, but, for performance reasons, it's better to filter out methods by a simple flag before performing string comparisons.


The attribute is only relevant to core developers. You should only use it in an internal class and only in the case when you want to propose very specific JIT-level optimizations for it. [Intrinsic] is pretty much restricted to a small set of widely used .Net classes, that, for some reason, can't be optimized by other means.

from the comments: I'm planning to propose a Color struct for .NET Core which needs to behave similarly to other built-in types for consistency.

You should probably not use [Intrinsic] in your initial proposal. After it passes, you can think about optimization, and if you have a valid scenario when Color will benefit from low level optimizations, you can suggest using [Intrinsic] on some of its methods or properties.

How It Works

Here's how [Intrinsic] is currently used in core:

  • it is defined as a well-known attribute (wellknownattributes.h):

    case WellKnownAttribute::Intrinsic:
        return "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IntrinsicAttribute";  
  • VM parses it and sets the IsJitIntrinsic flag to true for a method (methodtablebuilder.cpp):

    if (bmtProp->fIsHardwareIntrinsic || (S_OK == GetCustomAttribute(pMethod->GetMethodSignature().GetToken(),
  • this flag is used to set another flag in method attributes (jitinterface.cpp):

    if (pMD->IsJitIntrinsic())
        result |= CORINFO_FLG_JIT_INTRINSIC;
  • this flag is later used to filter out methods which are obviously not intrinsic (importer.cpp):

        const bool isTail = canTailCall && (tailCall != 0);
        call = impIntrinsic(newobjThis, clsHnd, methHnd, sig, mflags, pResolvedToken->token, readonlyCall, isTail,
                            pConstrainedResolvedToken, callInfo->thisTransform, &intrinsicID, &isSpecialIntrinsic);
  • impIntrinsic then calls lookupNamedIntrinsic to identify (mostly by name) methods that really (not just potentially) should be optimized;

  • after all of that importer can perform optimizations based on method. For example, optimization for Enum.HasFlag (importer.cpp):

     case NI_System_Enum_HasFlag:
            GenTree* thisOp  = impStackTop(1).val;
            GenTree* flagOp  = impStackTop(0).val;
            GenTree* optTree = gtOptimizeEnumHasFlag(thisOp, flagOp);
            if (optTree != nullptr)
                // Optimization successful. Pop the stack for real.
                retNode = optTree;
                // Retry optimizing this during morph.
                isSpecial = true;

DISCLAIMER: as far as I can tell, the attribute's behaviour is not properly documented anywhere and, thus, is subject for change. The description above is only relevant to code currently in master, this part of core is actively developed and the whole process can be changed in the future.


Here's a short timeline of [Intrinsic] based on github repository history:

  • At some time before 2014 [JitIntrisic] attribute was introduced as a part of System.Numerics with a goal to support new processor instructions (see How does JitIntrinsicAttribute affect code generation?).

  • On June 6, 2016, Chris McKinsey opened an issue #5626. "Optimize enum1.HasFlag(enum2) into inline bittest without boxing allocations when types are the same". At the time, Enum.HasFlag had a well-known performance issues (see What is it that makes Enum.HasFlag so slow?).

  • While working on the issue Andy Ayers suggested to introduce a universal mechanism to introduce JIT intrinsics (Issue #13813: Add more flexible method for specifying jit instrinsics)

  • This led to two pull requests: New jit intrinsic support introduced the general mechanics for [Intrinsic] and JIT: optimize Enum.HasFlag implemented it for Enum.HasFlag. I suggest going through both of them as they are extremely illustrative on the changes that come with [Intrinsic].

  • Later, during the discussion about moving Vector classes to the CoreLib it was suggested that [JitIntrinsic] isn't used anywhere and should be replaced/removed:

@jkotas: We should not need the JitIntrinsicAttribute. As far as I know, this attribute was future proofing, never used for anything real. We should delete it, and use the IntrinsicAttribute from CoreLib instead.

  • Promptly, [JitIntrinsic] was removed and replace by [Intrinsic] (Replace JitIntrinsicAttribute with IntrinsicAttribute). That's how this attribute came to be in Vector2.
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