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What does the double colon (::) mean in CSS?



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What is :: after in CSS?

::after (:after) In CSS, ::after creates a pseudo-element that is the last child of the selected element. It is often used to add cosmetic content to an element with the content property. It is inline by default.

What does the colon mean in CSS?

A CSS pseudo-element is a keyword added to a CSS selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected HTML element. In CSS3, they are usually denoted by two colons — for example, ::first-line — to differentiate them from pseudo-classes. In contrast, CSS2 syntax uses one colon (e.g., :first-line ).

What is :: before and :: after in CSS?

The ::before selector inserts something before the content of each selected element(s). Use the content property to specify the content to insert. Use the ::after selector to insert something after the content.

What does 2 colons mean?

The double colon ( :: ) may refer to: an analogy symbolism operator, in logic and mathematics. a notation for equality of ratios. a scope resolution operator, in computer programming languages.

It means pseudo element selector. It means the element to the right doesn't exist in the normal DOM, but can be selected.

A pseudo-element is made of two colons (::) followed by the name of the pseudo-element.


It was originally only a single colon, but was changed to differentiate it from pseudo classes (like :hover, :first-child, :not etc). It's best to use : for before and after pseudo elements since the single colon has better browser support, namely in earlier IE versions.

The :: operator indicates you are selecting a pseudo element, one which does not actually exist as an element but can still be targeted for styling.

Example of this include several vendor-specific implementations such as the -ms-clear sample you provide, most browsers also have pseudo elements to style scroll bars and other native UI elements, but there are also a lot of predefined pseudo elements which can be referenced for practical reasons, such as first-line and first-letter.

The :before and :after pseudo elements even allow you to insert actual content into the page using CSS with the content rule.

CSS3 changes the way pseudo-elements are selected, as the W3C wanted to distinguish pseudo-classes like a:visited from pseudo-elements like p::first-line. See Advanced CSS Selectors.