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What does "Searching Taps" Mean with HomeBrew?

I tried installing a c++ library by doing the following, and got the message below:

What does this mean? Did it install or did it not? I'm new to homebrew. Thanks!

macbook-2:~ ME$ brew install ceres-solver
Error: No available formula for ceres-solver 
Searching taps...
macbook-2:~ ME$ 
like image 637
KingPolygon Avatar asked May 31 '14 05:05


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What is brew tap username/homebrew-foobar?

That is, brew tap username/foobar can be used as a shortcut for the long version: brew tap username/homebrew-foobar. brew will automatically add back the ‘homebrew-‘ prefix whenever it’s necessary. If your tap contains a formula that is also present in homebrew/core, that’s fine, but it means that you must install it explicitly by default.

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If you ask brew to install a package that does not exist (perhaps because you make a typo), brew will tap homebrew/cask. This seems to be by design: it's part of the process where brew goes looking for what the user asked for in other places (cask, recently deleted formulas, etc.). I don't think that this should be the default.

Can I use Brew tap without the prefix?

The prefix ‘homebrew-‘ is not optional. (The two-argument form doesn’t have this limitation, but it forces you to give the full URL explicitly.) When you use brew tap on the command line, however, you can leave out the ‘homebrew-‘ prefix in commands.

1 Answers

From the Homebrew Formula Cookbook:

  • Formula - The package definition - /usr/local/Library/Formula/foo.rb
  • Keg - The installation prefix of a Formula - /usr/local/Cellar/foo/0.1
  • opt prefix - A symlink to the active version of a Keg - /usr/local/opt/foo
  • Cellar - All Kegs are installed here - /usr/local/Cellar
  • Tap - An optional Git repository of Formulae and/or commands - /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-versions
  • Bottle - Pre-built Keg used instead of building from source - qt-4.8.4.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz

I suggest starting with the Introduction on the same page.

like image 86
jterrace Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
