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What does "return () => local;" do in this closure?

I'm learning javascript by reading "Eloquent Javascript" and am confused by the "Closures" section in chapter 3 (Functions).

In previous sections I learned about arrow functions, and how they can be used as anonymous functions. My initial thoughts were that this is an anonymous function example and I am simply not familiar yet.

In particular, I am confused on what "() => local" does to/for return.

function wrapValue(n) {
  let local = n;
  return () => local;

let wrap1 = wrapValue(1);
let wrap2 = wrapValue(2);
// → 1
// → 2

Here is a link to the chapter: Eloquent Javascript - Ch. 3 "Functions"

Thanks in advance!

like image 572
Tucker Avatar asked Dec 19 '18 23:12


2 Answers

In javascript function create scope. For example:

function scoped(){
  let local = 10;
  console.log(local) // this works local is within scope

scoped() // logs:

console.log(local) // error -- local doesn't exist out here.

Outside of scoped local doesn't exist.

A function inside a function has access to the entire scope. So this works:

function scoped() {
  let local = 10;
  function f() {
    console.log(local) // this works local is within scope


But what happens if you return that function that references the scope of the function? It turns out that the inner function carries the whole scope with it. This is a closure:

function scoped(){
  let local = 10;
  function f(){
    console.log(local) // this works local is within scope
  return f

f = scoped()
f() // can still see local

// but nobody else out here can:
console.log(local) // still an error

This allows you to do some very slick things — an import one is that you can keep certain variables private, but still manipulate them with the closure.

For example here's a counter that doesn't require a variable in global scope:

function counter(){
  let count = 0
  return () => count++

let c = counter()

console.log(c())  // it can count but there's not count variable in scape

Doing this with a global count variable is messy and risks some other part of the code clashing with the global variable. Above, nothing other than the c function can access the counter. In fact you can make several independent ones:

function counter(){
  let count = 0
  return () => count++

let c = counter()
let d = counter()

console.log("c:", c())  // it can count but there's not count variable in scape
console.log("c:", c())
console.log("d:", d())  // d has it's own closure
console.log("d:", d())
console.log("c:", c())

There's a lot you can do with closures and they're important in Javascript. It's worth taking the time to really understand them.

like image 75
Mark Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 09:11


function wrapValue(n) {
   let local = n;
   return () => local;

Is the same as writing (without the benefits of "this")

function wrapValue(n) {
   let local = n;
   return function() {
        return local;

It's a function that returns another function that uses the passed parameters. This is called a Curry function

console.log(typeof wrapValue(2)); // prints "function"
console.log(wrapValue(2)()); // prints "2"

Here's a better example

function multiple(a) {
    return (b) => a*b;

console.log([1,2,3,4].map(multiple(2)); // prints "[2,4,6,8]"

You can use curried functions very easily with Arrays

like image 37
Reactgular Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 07:11
