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Difference between function declaration and function expression for my case

Someone Please explain what is going on here.

 var y = 1;
 if (function f(){return 'some text';}) {
     y += typeof f;
 console.log(y);// "1undefined"

if i change it into function expression

 var y = 1;
 if (a = function f(){return 'some text';}) {
     y += typeof a;
 console.log(y);// "1function"
like image 922
pradsdev Avatar asked Nov 14 '18 15:11


2 Answers

The condition of an if statement is always an expression. In the second case its an assignemnt expression that sets the global (!) variable a to a function, in the first case its just a function expression, and the function goes into nowhere (it is not stored anywhere). f is just the name of the function inside of the function itself (for recursion). Therefore f is not defined outside of it.

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Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Jonas Wilms

A function declaration creates a variable with the same name in the current scope.

function a() {
    function b() {

In the above example, a variable b is created in the scope of a.

A function expression creates a variable with the same name in its own scope.

function a() {
    (function b() {

In the above example, a variable b is created in the scope of b but not a.

In your first example (a named function expression), f doesn't exist outside the function so it is undefined.

In your second example (also a named function express), you are explicitly assigning the function to a (an implicit global) so it is defined.

Neither of your examples features a function declaration, despite your question title. Putting the function keyword inside an if () condition makes it an expression just as much as putting it on the RHS of an =.

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Quentin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
