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What does require('../') mean? [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
Node.js - require empty path

What does require('../') mean in the context of node.js? Example code here.

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Randomblue Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 00:12


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1 Answers

A folder can be used as a module if the folder contains any of the following files (in lookup order): package.json, index.js, or index.node.

In this case, the folder has a package.json file that, among some other things, states that the main file of the module is the index.js file in the same directory. So the require('../') call you asked about could be changed to require('../index.js').

See Node.js Documentation - Folders as Modules for more information.

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Felix Loether Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Felix Loether