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What does P mean in Go's sync.Pool source code?



Recently, I've been digging into Go's source code. When I looked into the details of sync.Pool, I found a comment I couldn't understand.


// Local per-P Pool appendix.
type poolLocalInternal struct {
    private interface{}   // Can be used only by the respective P.
    shared  []interface{} // Can be used by any P.
    Mutex                 // Protects shared.

Local per-P Pool appendix.

What does per-P mean?

Can be used only by the respective P

What does P mean?

like image 716
jack-nie Avatar asked Mar 17 '18 03:03


1 Answers

P stands for processor. A processor is a resource used to execute Go code. There are exactly GOMAXPROC Ps in a process. The Go Scheduler Design Doc describes Ps in detail. The relevant code is in the runtime package.

like image 137
Bayta Darell Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Bayta Darell