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Debugging App engine with golang -- There has to be a better way?

I"m (slowly) working on a app-engine app using the go language -- While I like many parts of the experience (the nice integration with google services and the go language itself) but I'm a bit suprised at the lack of debug facilities especially with app engine.

I know that you can log to the console (The lowest form of debugging IMHO) but all attempts at anything more clever (attaching gdb on the local instance) fails. (the build tools for app engine specifically seem to strip debug info)

I can't believe I'm the only one who has observed this so I'm wondering what other folks are doing to develop/debug in app engine?

like image 847
loghound Avatar asked Aug 11 '13 05:08


1 Answers

There is not currently a better way than context.Errorf() and friends. Python just got pdb support in the 1.8.3 SDK. I have not heard of any similar debugger support for go. It is perhaps worth asking on the app engine go list about this.

like image 55
mjibson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
