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What does "IPv4 addresses in the same AS" mean?

I'm in the process of moving a website from HostGator to Amazon EC2. Front end and back end are both moved. I added a Hosted Zone in Amazon Route 53 and updated my nameservers in HostGator. Unfortunately, the site won't load.

I ran a check with Zonemaster and received the following warnings:

All nameservers in the delegation have IPv4 addresses in the same AS (16509). All nameservers in the delegation have IPv6 addresses in the same AS (16509). All nameservers in the delegation are in the same AS (16509).

I've searched but can't figure out what "AS" means in this context. Would love some help to point me in the right direction for troubleshooting.

The domain in question is tektonbody.com.


like image 573
paulmiller3000 Avatar asked Mar 14 '18 16:03


People also ask

Why are IPv4 addresses different?

Unfortunately, the designers of IPv4 did not anticipate the explosive growth of the Internet, or the need for more IP addresses than version 4 could supply. IPv4 uses 32-bit IP address, and with 32 bits the maximum number of IP addresses is 232—or 4,294,967,296.

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You should use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Nearly everyone on the Internet currently has an IPv4 address, or is behind a NAT of some kind, and can access IPv4 resources.

1 Answers

AS refers to Autonomous System which in rough terms means "block of IPs that share common routing" or in more general terms "are from the same allocation block".

You're getting this warning because the nameservers are all in the same block and if that single route goes offline for some reason, all your nameservers go down. It's generally best to spread these out geographically to minimize your exposure to localized events.

They're just looking out for you here. Typically you should have 3-4 different nameservers on different backbone providers in different regions so that no single failure, even at the provider level, can take them all down.

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tadman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
