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What does __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME mean in ruby? [duplicate]

I have stumbled across this sintax while reviewing a code in Ruby. The code is:

  #some code...

I suppose __FILE__ is a variable that gets me the name of the file I am in? But what does $PROGRAM_NAME simbolize then? Also, why is this if statement necessary, since the program works with or without it?

like image 986
Mc-Ac Avatar asked May 08 '16 14:05


2 Answers

__FILE__ always returns the path of the source file. It's not a variable so you can't assign value to it. Whether it returns a relative path or an absolute one depends on how you run the script.

$PROGRAM_NAME or $0 by default returns the command that boots the program (minus the path of ruby interpreter). For example, you have a script file test.rb like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts __FILE__

If you run this script with ruby test.rb, it prints


If you run the script with ruby /path/to/test.rb, it prints


If you give the script an execution permission and run it with ./test.rb, it prints


Unlike __FILE__, $PROGRAM_NAME and $0 are real global variables, and you can change their values. $PROGRAM_NAME and $0 are aliases to each other, so you change the value of either one, the value of the other will change accordingly. For example, you have a test2.rb like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$0 = 'Hello, world!'
puts $0

it prints

Hello, world!
Hello, world!
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Aetherus Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


__FILE__ is the current source file name.

It seems to ruby code wants to make sure that the current file corresponds to the program that needs to executed.

$ before a variable, means its a global variable.

Check here to know more - http://www.zenspider.com/Languages/Ruby/QuickRef.html#18

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coderVishal Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
