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Split an array into multiple arrays in random order - Ruby

I am trying to split an array of names into multiple arrays in random order each time it is run. I know how to split them with:

 name_array = ["bob","john","rob","nate","nelly","michael"]
 array = name_array.each_slice(2).to_a
 => [["bob", "john"], ["rob", "nate"], ["nelly", "michael"]]

But, what if I want it to spit them out in random order each time?

like image 865
Nate Beers Avatar asked Aug 05 '14 15:08

Nate Beers

3 Answers

Before do the same thing, shuffle the array. (Array#shuffle)

# => [["nelly", "nate"], ["rob", "bob"], ["michael", "john"]]

or, shuffle afterward according to your need:

# => [["nelly", "michael"], ["rob", "nate"], ["bob", "john"]]
like image 173
falsetru Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


Random Sampling

If you know the size of the original array, then:

name_array.sample 6

Array#sample shortens your method chain over the use of Array#shuffle. If you don't want to hard-code the size of the sample, you can introspect the array for its size at run-time. For example:



If you don't need to insist that a given name appears only once in your result set, then you might also consider Array#permutation:


The results will vary, but here's a pretty-printed sample of the results you might expect from this approach:

[["michael", "rob"],
 ["bob", "nelly"],
 ["rob", "bob"],
 ["michael", "nelly"],
 ["john", "michael"],
 ["john", "rob"]]
like image 35
Todd A. Jacobs Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Todd A. Jacobs

Shuffle the array first, then slice:

#=> [["nelly", "nate"], ["rob", "michael"], ["john", "bob"]]
like image 45
Grych Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
