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What does ExitCode -1073741502 mean?


People also ask

What is the meaning of exit code?

An exit code or exit status is a number that is returned by an executable to show whether it was successful. This is also sometimes called a return code, or in some cases, an error code, although the terminology here may be slightly different.

How do I find my exit code?

Extracting the elusive exit code To display the exit code for the last command you ran on the command line, use the following command: $ echo $? The displayed response contains no pomp or circumstance. It's simply a number.

What is the meaning of exit code 1?

What is Exit Code 1. Exit Code 1 indicates that a container shut down, either because of an application failure or because the image pointed to an invalid file. In a Unix/Linux operating system, when an application terminates with Exit Code 1, the operating system ends the process using Signal 7, known as SIGHUP.

Why is exit code important?

Knowing the exit code can be a valuable tool for determining why a program failed during the debugging process. In larger programs, which may include many instances of error checking and input validation, the pro- gram may return a different exit code for each error.

I'm using the GetExitCodeProcess API to determine the exit reason for a process.

When my process fails, I get the error code -1073741502.

How can this value be converted into a value that I could google for?

Thank you.

Edit: Well, 1073741502 appears on Google, but not -1073741502. Why does my error code have a minus?