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What does .delegate mean in groovy?



I found this code snippet:

def say = {println m} say.delegate = [m:2] say() 

That apperantly prints 2. How does it work? Where can find documentation about .delegate? Google led me to the Delegate Transformation page that doesn't mention .delegate at all.

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ripper234 Avatar asked Nov 14 '11 11:11


People also ask

What is -> in Groovy?

It is used to separate where you declare bindings for your closure from the actual code, eg: def myClosure = { x, y -> x + y } the part before -> declares that the closure has two arguments named x and y while the second part is the code of the closure.

What is a delegate Groovy?

The delegate of a closure is an object that is used to resolve references that cannot be resolved within the body of the closure itself. If your example was written like this instead: def say = { def m = 'hello' println m } say.delegate = [m:2] say() It prints 'hello', because m can be resolved within the closure.

How are closures defined in Groovy?

A closure in Groovy is an open, anonymous, block of code that can take arguments, return a value and be assigned to a variable. A closure may reference variables declared in its surrounding scope.

What is it variable in Groovy?

Advertisements. Variables in Groovy can be defined in two ways − using the native syntax for the data type or the next is by using the def keyword. For variable definitions it is mandatory to either provide a type name explicitly or to use "def" in replacement. This is required by the Groovy parser.

2 Answers

The delegate of a closure is an object that is used to resolve references that cannot be resolved within the body of the closure itself. If your example was written like this instead:

def say = {   def m = 'hello'   println m } say.delegate = [m:2] say() 

It prints 'hello', because m can be resolved within the closure. However, when m is not defined within the closure,

def say = {   println m } say.delegate = [m:2] say() 

the delegate is used to resolve the reference, and in this case the delegate is a Map that maps m to 2.

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Dónal Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09


Three property of closures, are this, owner, and delegate, In general delegate is set to owner

def testClosure(closure) {   closure() } testClosure() {   println "this is " + this + ", super:" + this.getClass().superclass.name   println "owner is " + owner + ", super:" + owner.getClass().superclass.name   println "delegate is " + delegate + ", super:" + delegate.getClass().superclass.name    testClosure() {     println "this is " + this + ", super:" + this.getClass().superclass.name     println "owner is " + owner + ", super:" + owner.getClass().superclass.name     println "delegate is " + delegate + ", super:" + delegate.getClass().superclass.name   } } 


this is ConsoleScript0@11d20d3, super:groovy.lang.Script owner is ConsoleScript0@11d20d3, super:groovy.lang.Script delegate is ConsoleScript0@11d20d3, super:groovy.lang.Script this is ConsoleScript0@11d20d3, super:groovy.lang.Script owner is ConsoleScript0$_run_closure1@caea19, super:groovy.lang.Closure delegate is ConsoleScript0$_run_closure1@caea19, super:groovy.lang.Closure 
like image 44
anish Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
