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Dynamically add a property or method to an object in groovy

Is it possible to add a property or a method to an object dynamically in Groovy? This is what I have tried so far:

class Greet {   def name   Greet(who) { name = who[0].toUpperCase() + [1..-1] }   def salute() { println "Hello $name!" } }  g = new Greet('world')  // create object g.salute()              // Output "Hello World!"  g.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" } g.bye() 

But I get the following exception:

Hello World! Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: bye for class: Greet Possible solutions: name     at test.run(greet.groovy:11) 
like image 430
Alex Spurling Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 12:01

Alex Spurling

1 Answers

If you just want to add the bye() method to the single instance g of the class Greet, you need to do:

g.metaClass.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" } g.bye() 

Otherwise, to add bye() to all instance of Greet (from now on), call

Greet.metaClass.bye = { println "Goodbye, $name" } 

But you'd need to do this before you create an instance of the Greet class

Here is a page on the per-instance metaClass

And here is the page on MetaClasses in general

Also, there's a bug in your constructor. You're missing who from infront of your [1..-1] and if the constructor is passed a String of less than 2 characters in length, it will throw an exception

A better version might be:

Greet( String who ) {    name = who.inject( '' ) { String s, String c ->     s += s ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()   } } 

As metioned in the comments,

Greet( String who ) {    name = who.capitalize() } 

is the proper way

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tim_yates Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10
