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What does "curl" mean?


I'm developing Facebook JavaScript apps on a daily basis, but keep stumbling into some code snippets I don't understand, on the Facebook Documentation, and other websites I visit.

I searched Google for CURL, and found some descriptions about it. I can't figure out how Facebook wants me to use it.

curl -F "title=Example Title" -F "description=Description" \ -F "start_time=1329417443" \ "https://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID/milestones?access_token=_" 

It's nonsens for me. Can you help me understand in what context I can use it for Facebook , and maybe in general, and guide me in the right direction where to find more on the subject?

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curly_brackets Avatar asked Mar 17 '12 09:03


People also ask

What is curl in API?

'cURL' is a command-line tool that lets you transmit HTTP requests and receive responses from the command line or a shell script. It is available for Linux distributions, Mac OS X, and Windows. To use cURL to run your REST web API call, use the cURL command syntax to construct the command.

What does curl mean in slang?

slang To kill someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "curl" and "up." I curled up the informant, boss, don't worry—he'll never talk to the police again.

What does curl actually do?

curl (short for "Client URL") is a command line tool that enables data transfer over various network protocols. It communicates with a web or application server by specifying a relevant URL and the data that need to be sent or received. curl is powered by libcurl, a portable client-side URL transfer library.

What does curl stand for?

cURL, which stands for client URL, is a command line tool that developers use to transfer data to and from a server. At the most fundamental, cURL lets you talk to a server by specifying the location (in the form of a URL) and the data you want to send.

1 Answers

curl is a command line utility that lets you send an HTTP request. It can be very useful for developing with web service APIs. I believe it comes pre-installed with most linux distros but you would need to download and install it for Windows. (It probably comes with Cygwin but can be installed on its own as well.)

I would suggest making sure it's directory is added to your PATH environmental variables. Again, probably not a problem in linux but you will need to do this manually in windows.

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Ilion Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
