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Monads in JavaScript


People also ask

Is JavaScript promise a monad?

Promise is neither a Monad nor an Applicative resolve(g(v)).

What is monad in programming?

In functional programming, a monad is a software design pattern with a structure that combines program fragments (functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation.

What is functor and monad?

A functor takes a pure function (and a functorial value) whereas a monad takes a Kleisli arrow, i.e. a function that returns a monad (and a monadic value). Hence you can chain two monads and the second monad can depend on the result of the previous one.

What is monad in oops?

In terms of OO programming, a monad is an interface (or more likely a mixin), parameterized by a type, with two methods, return and bind that describe: How to inject a value to get a monadic value of that injected value type; How to use a function that makes a monadic value from a non-monadic one, on a monadic value.

So I want to understand the practical cases where monads in JavaScript are helpful.

I read a bunch on articles on Monads in JavaScript and understand that jQuery is one example of its use. But besides the "chaining" pattern, what other issues can be effectively solved using Monads in front-end engineering?


