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What does Class<?> mean in Java?




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What is the meaning of class <?> In Java?

A class — in the context of Java — is a template used to create objects and to define object data types and methods. Classes are categories, and objects are items within each category. All class objects should have the basic class properties.

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Definition: Java's this keyword is used to refer the current instance of the method on which it is used. Following are the ways to use this: To specifically denote that the instance variable is used instead of static or local variable.

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The class interface or enum expected error is a compile-time error in Java which arises due to curly braces. Typically, this error occurs when there is an additional curly brace at the end of the program.

Why is .class used in Java?

Yes, a class in Java is simply a template for creating objects with similar attributes and behavior. As a template, the class defines the attributes and behavior that objects constructed from it can exhibit.

Class is a parameterizable class, hence you can use the syntax Class<T> where T is a type. By writing Class<?>, you're declaring a Class object which can be of any type (? is a wildcard). The Class type is a type that contains meta-information about a class.

It's always good practice to refer to a generic type by specifying his specific type, by using Class<?> you're respecting this practice (you're aware of Class to be parameterizable) but you're not restricting your parameter to have a specific type.

Reference about Generics and Wildcards: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/wildcards.html

Reference about Class object and reflection (the feature of Java language used to introspect itself): https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/javareflection-1536171.html

This <?> is a beast. It often leads to confusion and errors, because, when you see it first, then you start believing, <?> is a wildcard for any java type. Which is .. not true. <?> is the unknown type, a slight and nasty difference.

It's not a problem when you use it with Class. Both lines work and compile:

Class anyType = String.class;
Class <?> theUnknownType = String.class;

But - if we start using it with collections, then we see strange compiletime errors:

List<?> list = new ArrayList<Object>();  // ArrayList<?> is not allowed
list.add("a String");                    // doesn't compile ...

Our List<?> is not a collection, that is suitable for just any type of object. It can only store one type: the mystic "unkown type". Which is not a real type, for sure.

It means your Class reference can hold a reference to any Class object.

It's basically the same as "Class" but you're showing other people who read your code that you didn't forget about generics, you just want a reference that can hold any Class object.

Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java:

In Java SE5, Class<?> is preferred over plain Class, even though they are equivalent and the plain Class, as you saw, doesn’t produce a compiler warning. The benefit of Class<?> is that it indicates that you aren’t just using a non-specific class reference by accident, or out of ignorance. You chose the non-specific version.

It's a generics literal. It means that you don't know the type of class this Class instance is representing, but you are still using the generic version.

  • if you knew the class, you'd use Class<Foo>. That way you can create a new instance, for example, without casting: Foo foo = clazz.newInstance();
  • if you don't use generics at all, you'll get a warning at least (and not using generics is generally discouraged as it may lead to hard-to-detect side effects)