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Java Keytool error after importing certificate , "keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException & Access Denied"

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How do I fix Keytool error?

The SolutionChange the directory and file access permission to allow you to access the file. If change access permission does not solve the problem, launch the Command Prompt as an administrator. Right click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administer”.

What is Cacerts in Java?

The cacerts file is a collection of trusted certificate authority (CA) certificates. Oracle includes a cacerts file with its SSL support in the Java™ Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) tool kit and JDK. It contains certificate references for well-known Certificate authorities, such as VeriSign™.

Is Keytool installed with Java?

The Java keytool installs as part of a system's Java runtime engine (JRE) and runs at the Windows or Linux command line. To use keytool, install it on your system and configure its use as described below.

This could happen if you are not running the command prompt in administrator mode. If you are using windows 7, you can go to run, type cmd and hit Ctrl+Shift+enter. This will open the command prompt in administrator mode. If not, you can also go to start -> all programs -> accessories -> right click command prompt and click 'run as administrator'.

I was having the same problem while importing the certificate in local keystore. Whenever i issue the keytool command i got the following error.

Certificate was added to keystore keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\jre\lib\security (Access is denied)

Following solution work for me.

1) make sure you are running command prompt in Rus as Administrator mode

2) Change your current directory to %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security

3) then Issue the below command

keytool -import -alias "mycertificatedemo" -file "C:\Users\name\Downloads\abc.crt" -keystore cacerts

3) give the password changeit

4) enter y

5) you will see the following message on successful "Certificate was added to keystore"

Make sure you are giving the "cacerts" only in -keystore param value , as i was giving the full path like "C**:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\jre\lib\security**".

Hope this will work

I had the same problem under Windows and could solve it by running cmd.exe as administrator (right-click in start menu, then "Run as administrator).

Check the write permissions on the keystore.

For Mac users make sure to sudo and when prompted first give your administrator password and that will be followed by keystore password which typically should be "changeit" unless you actually changed it.

If you are using windows8:

  1. Click start button
  2. In the search box, type command prompt
  3. From the result, right-click command prompt and click Run as administrator. Then execute the keytool command.