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What does BlockingCollection.Dispose actually do?




What does BlockingCollection.Dispose actually do?

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Jonathan Allen Avatar asked Jul 06 '10 17:07

Jonathan Allen

2 Answers

Having a quick look with reflector reveals this...

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (!this.m_isDisposed)
        if (this.m_freeNodes != null)
        this.m_isDisposed = true;

and m_freeNodes is private SemaphoreSlim m_freeNodes; so it releases the SemaphoreSlim that are used internally.

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Andy Robinson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Andy Robinson

This allows the internal wait handles to be disposed of properly.

BlockingCollection<T>, internally, uses a pair of event wait handles, which in turn have an associated native HANDLE.

Specifically, BlockingCollection<T>.Dispose() releases these two handles back to the operating system, by eventually (through SemaphoreSlim->ManualResetEvent) calling the native CloseHandle method on the two native HANDLE instances.

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Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Reed Copsey