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What does -B and -f flag do in Maven command? [duplicate]



For example:

mvn -B -f pom.xml....

What do they do? I found it somewhere in a code. I tried to google it out but didn't find any useful information. I'm new in Maven, only have basic understanding.

What I found in a code running on Jenkins CI/CD pipeline:

bat '''cmd.exe /C "'''+mavenVersion+''' -B -f pom.xml install....'''
like image 761
Shubham Patel Avatar asked Apr 04 '19 07:04

Shubham Patel

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1 Answers

I got my answer using mvn --help command. Thanks stackoverflow community !

-B : Run in non-interactive (batch) mode (disables output color)

-f : Force the use of an alternate POM file (or directory with pom.xml)

like image 162
Shubham Patel Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 14:11

Shubham Patel