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What does "1" mean at the end of a php print_r statement?



My print_r($view) function yields:

View Object (     [viewArray:View:private] => Array         (             [title] => Projet JDelage         ) ) 1 <-------------- 

What does the "1" at the end mean? The PHP manual isn't very clear on how to parse the output of print_r.

like image 678
JDelage Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 15:09


People also ask

What does Print_r mean in PHP?

print_r(variable, isStore) It is a built-in function in print_r in PHP that is used to print or display the contents of a variable. It essentially prints human-readable data about a variable. The value of the variable will be printed if it is a string, integer, or float.

Which is correct syntax of Print_r () function?

If the parameter $isStore is set to TRUE then the print_r() function will return a string containing the information which it is supposed to print. print_r( $var1 ); echo "\n" ; print_r( $var2 );

Why do we use Print_r?

It is an inbuilt function that is used in PHP to print or display the information stored in a variable. Basically it prints human-readable information about a variable. If the variable is a string, integer or float, the value itself will be printed.

What is difference between ECHO and Print_r in PHP?

The print and echo are both language constructs to display strings. The echo has a void return type, whereas print has a return value of 1 so it can be used in expressions. The print_r is used to display human-readable information about a variable.

1 Answers

You probably have echo print_r($view). Remove the echo construct. And... what need do you have to parse its output? There are certainly much better ways to solve your problem.

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Ionuț G. Stan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Ionuț G. Stan