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Where can i find the yii version of my yii app?




I recently started to work with yii, where can i find the yii version of my yii app?

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user1077220 Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 16:06


People also ask

What is the latest version of Yii?

The latest version 1.1. 23 was released in December 2020. In May 2011 the developers decided to use new PHP versions and fix architectural shortcomings, resulting in version 2.0. In May 2013 the Yii 2.0 code went public, followed by the first stable release in October 2014.

How do I download Yii?

There are two ways to install Yii: by using Composer or by downloading an application template. We highly recommend you to use Composer. If you do not have Composer installed yet, you may install it following the instructions on the Composer website.

2 Answers

You can use getVersion() of YiiBase

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bool.dev Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


In Linux, run ./yii in the base directory. In Windows, run yii.bat. You will get something like:

./yii  This is Yii version 2.0.3.  The following commands are available: [...] 
like image 30
Aldo Bassanini Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Aldo Bassanini