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What do we mean by contextually autoescaping?





While reading about the Closure Templates I encountered the following statement:

Closure Templates are contextually autoescaped to reduce the risk of XSS.

As far as I know escaping is removing ambiguity in the input string as described here.

I am not sure what really that means, perhaps an explanation with real world example would be really helpful.

like image 854
vivek Avatar asked Feb 16 '16 12:02


People also ask

What is auto escaping in HTML?

Auto Escape is an optional mode of execution in the Template System developed to provide a better defense against cross-site scripting (XSS) in web applications.

What is autoescape in django?

autoescape. Controls the current auto-escaping behavior. This tag takes either on or off as an argument and that determines whether auto-escaping is in effect inside the block. The block is closed with an endautoescape ending tag.

1 Answers

There's more detail on security and autoescaping at this page of the Closure Templates documentation. In particular, look at the example given here.

You will see that an input, {$x} is escaped differently depending on where it is to be inserted in the template output (e.g. in HTML, JavaScript, CSS etc.) This is what is meant by contextual (i.e. context-dependent) autoescaping.

As described in the documentation:

  • When {$x} appeared inside HTML text, we entity-encoded it (< → &lt;).
  • When {$x} appeared inside a URL or as a CSS quantity, we rejected it because it had a protocol javascript: that was not http or https, and instead output a safe value #zSoyz. Had {$x} appeared in the query portion of a URL, we would have percent-encoded it instead of rejecting it outright (< → %3C).
  • When {$x} appeared in JavaScript, we wrapped it in quotes (if not already inside quotes) and escaped HTML special characters (< → \x3c).
  • When {$x} appeared inside CSS quotes, we did something similar to JavaScript, but using CSS escaping conventions (< → \3c ).

The malicious output was defanged.

like image 73
Zejji Zejji Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10

Zejji Zejji