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.htaccess prompt for password

Might there be a way to set one's .htaccess file to prompt for authentication each time? Example: I open a browser tab, go to the pw protected url, I'm prompted for a pw. Close the tab (main browser still open) and repeat the above and be prompted for the pw again. This is not happening unless I close the browser. Maybe this is a caching thing?

Here's what I have so far:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "myName"
AuthUserFile "/home/myDir/.htpasswds/public_html/myName/passwd"
require valid-user

Thanks in advance.

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user1040259 Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 14:07


People also ask

Is htaccess password secure?

If all the access is via SSL, then it's reasonably secure. Basic authentication without SSL only sends the username/password as base64 encoded - so it's trivial to extract the tokens via MITM or sniffing.

How do I make a URL password protected?

To password protect a URL go to the Security section in SiteTools and click Protected URLs. Under the URLs tab, choose the Domain and fill in the Path to the URL. If you do not have any users created you will be prompted to provide a user and password, which will be used to access the protected URL.

1 Answers

Actually it is working this way (simplified):

  • browser sends request to your server without credentials
  • Apache responses with 403 error because "require valid-user" was specified
  • browser prompts for username & password
  • browser sends request again, this time credentials are provided
  • Apache verifies credentials against AuthUserFile and sets "valid-user" accordingly
  • if everything is OK - puts out data with 200 status code
  • browser that receives 200 code caches used credentials for the relevant domain until browser session expires

As you see - problem lays in browser. You cannot force browser to forget password it uses for a domain. And usually you don't want to - for example if password protected page contains images - browser would require username and password for each downloaded image.

However there are some tips you could try:

  • you could write your own Apache authorization handler that only authorises user every second time it is accessing the page; but it's hard to do really
  • you could use some kind of form-based authentication (in script like php or asp.net) instead of relying on http authentication; this way is quite flexible
  • you could do a trick, that every time a protected page is accessed some kind of script changes the password in passwd file; then provide two passwords for each user and switch them on each request; this way browser always remember "wrong" password; it seems crazy but this is an easiest solution I could think of :-)
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Kuba Wyrostek Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Kuba Wyrostek