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What do the mysql workbench column icons mean in ER Diagram?

Can any one help me in explaining about the icons in the ER Diagram of Database created in MySQL Workbench.


  • Blue Diamond (Filled);
  • Blue Diamond (unfilled);
  • Red Diamond, et cetera;
like image 877
danyal1990 Avatar asked Aug 09 '14 05:08


People also ask

What does a red key mean in MySQL Workbench?

Key: (Part of) Primary Key. Filled Diamond: NOT NULL. Not filled Diamond: NULL. Red colored: (Part of) Foreign key.

What does the Red Diamond mean in MySQL?

In addition to the text above, a red diamond indicates a Foreign Key association. To answer your question: Blue Diamond (Filled) = indicates NOT NULL. Blue Diamond (unfilled) = indicates NULL. Red Diamond, et cetera = indicates a foreign key {filled: NOT NULL, unfilled: NULL}

Can MySQL Workbench generate ER diagram?

MySQL Workbench allows you to create entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) with relationships between the tables (one to one, one to many) and rearrange them as needed. Below we cover how to create an ERD from a downloaded SQL file.

What is ER diagram in MySQL?

Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) diagrams are an essential part of the modeling interface in MySQL Workbench. EER diagrams provide a visual representation of the relationships among the tables in your model. Revisions made with the Model Editor are shown in the associated diagram.

1 Answers

I've found these resources on MySQL's website:

  • http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-using-table-tool.html
  • http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-table-editor.html

If the icon is a small key, that column belongs to the primary key, otherwise the icon is a blue diamond or a white diamond. A blue diamond indicates the column has NN set.

In addition to the text above, a red diamond indicates a Foreign Key association.

To answer your question:

  • Blue Diamond (Filled) = indicates NOT NULL
  • Blue Diamond (unfilled) = indicates NULL
  • Red Diamond, et cetera = indicates a foreign key {filled: NOT NULL, unfilled: NULL}
like image 122
Damien Wilson Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Damien Wilson